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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Playstation Move or WII for Christmas ?

The Nintendo Wii has long held the title of best console for motion controlled gaming. However, with the release of the Playstation Move, many people are now asking the question : Playstation Move or Wii? Which gives you the best gaming experience?

The Controllers

The WiiMote can pick up movements along two-axis and when it is rotated. It also includes a D-pad controller, vibrations, sounds and buttons for those games that don’t make use of motion. The Nunchuk adds a joystick to the equation.

Sony Move could be seen as similar to the WiiMote in some respects. It includes a ball on the end that lights up during various stages of the game, and includes the four Playstation buttons, a trigger button, Move button and vibrations. It’s more sensitive than the WiiMote as it includes two three-axis motion sensors, both to measure speed and measurements of direction. There is also an additional navigational controller. Along with the camera, the Move system is able to detect a much greater range of movement than the Wii.

Video Camera

Firstly, in the debate of Playstation Move or Wii, it’s important to take a look at the elements which make up the motion controlled aspect of the console. For the Wii, this simply means the motion controllers alongside WiiMotion Plus if you choose to buy the add-on.

However, the Playstation Move (like the Xbox rival product, Kinect) comes with a camera. The benefit of including a video camera in the system is that it helps to track movements even more accurately. It also means that you can capture video and still pictures if you should want or need to.

Voice Control

This is another option that the Playstation Move includes that the Wii is lacking. You can purchase a microphone if you need it for Wii games, but it isn’t built into the system. With the Move, the Playstation Eye camera includes a microphone that’s capable of ignoring background noises and focusing on your speech only.


The major benefit of the Nintendo Wii is the fact that the Wii console includes the motion controller, Nunchuk and Wii Sports game. If you want to get hold of the Playstation Move then you’re going to need to pay extra for the camera, the controller, and the optional navigation controller. It’s all available in a single package at $100 – not cheap considering the cost of the console on top of that.

In the battle of Playstation Move or Wii you’ll need to carefully consider what you’re looking for. If you’re not too bothered about having the latest technology, and just want to go with the cheapest option, then a Wii is for you.

However, if you’ve already got the PS3, or you want the very best in motion controlled technology, then the Playstation Move will be well worth the upfront investment.

So... which one would you prefer to have as a Christmas Gift ?


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