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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Transformers Ultimate Bumblebee

Transformers Ultimate Bumblebee is the most realistic Transformers toy ever with amazing detail and special animatronic features that bring the toy to life.

In car mode, Ultimate Bumblebee is an approximately 1-14 scale Camaro concept with realistic car features. By rolling the vehicle you activate headlights and revving engine sounds. Stopping activates tail-lights and screeching brakes or crashing sounds.

After you manually convert the car to robot mode, Ultimate Bumblebee stands at an impressive 14 tall. With the touch of a button, robotic Bumblebee comes to life with speech and music - featuring DEVO's Whip It , battle and conversion sounds and animated head, arms and wings. Bumblebee's sound detection capabilities enable him to respond to noise, and he can also aim and fire a missile to fight the Deceptacons.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Playstation Move or WII for Christmas ?

The Nintendo Wii has long held the title of best console for motion controlled gaming. However, with the release of the Playstation Move, many people are now asking the question : Playstation Move or Wii? Which gives you the best gaming experience?

The Controllers

The WiiMote can pick up movements along two-axis and when it is rotated. It also includes a D-pad controller, vibrations, sounds and buttons for those games that don’t make use of motion. The Nunchuk adds a joystick to the equation.

Sony Move could be seen as similar to the WiiMote in some respects. It includes a ball on the end that lights up during various stages of the game, and includes the four Playstation buttons, a trigger button, Move button and vibrations. It’s more sensitive than the WiiMote as it includes two three-axis motion sensors, both to measure speed and measurements of direction. There is also an additional navigational controller. Along with the camera, the Move system is able to detect a much greater range of movement than the Wii.

Video Camera

Firstly, in the debate of Playstation Move or Wii, it’s important to take a look at the elements which make up the motion controlled aspect of the console. For the Wii, this simply means the motion controllers alongside WiiMotion Plus if you choose to buy the add-on.

However, the Playstation Move (like the Xbox rival product, Kinect) comes with a camera. The benefit of including a video camera in the system is that it helps to track movements even more accurately. It also means that you can capture video and still pictures if you should want or need to.

Voice Control

This is another option that the Playstation Move includes that the Wii is lacking. You can purchase a microphone if you need it for Wii games, but it isn’t built into the system. With the Move, the Playstation Eye camera includes a microphone that’s capable of ignoring background noises and focusing on your speech only.


The major benefit of the Nintendo Wii is the fact that the Wii console includes the motion controller, Nunchuk and Wii Sports game. If you want to get hold of the Playstation Move then you’re going to need to pay extra for the camera, the controller, and the optional navigation controller. It’s all available in a single package at $100 – not cheap considering the cost of the console on top of that.

In the battle of Playstation Move or Wii you’ll need to carefully consider what you’re looking for. If you’re not too bothered about having the latest technology, and just want to go with the cheapest option, then a Wii is for you.

However, if you’ve already got the PS3, or you want the very best in motion controlled technology, then the Playstation Move will be well worth the upfront investment.

So... which one would you prefer to have as a Christmas Gift ?


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Discover How To Get 100% Free Games Consoles, Mobile Phones, Laptops And Even Widescreen TVs!

If you haven't heard of it already, where have you been?! The "Free Stuff Exposed" book is rocking across the internet, showering people will freebies left, right and center.

Let me start from the beginning... There is a new book, available from www.FreeStuffExposed.com, which shows you how to get free gadgets delivered to your door. These gadgets could be anything, from video games, games consoles and accessories, through to mobile phones, laptops, PCs, widescreen TVs and plenty more.

How I get Nintendo Wii for FREE!

There's no contracts, no fees, no credit checks and no hidden charges. They are not stolen, bootleg, broken or samples. They are brand new, exactly as you would get in a shop or from an online store like Amazon, and you get to keep them forever.

So how does it work?

Well, the author of the book has discovered and documented an incredible loophole in modern marketing. Basically, huge companies are throwing money around to try and promote themselves and their products. Other, smaller companies take that money and using it to buy you gifts. All you have to do is put yourself in the right place at the right time, and you can be one of the people who receives those gifts.

They gadgets are free because the big companies with big marketing budgets effectively use their money to buy them for you!

If that sounds crazy, well... fair enough. It does sound a bit crazy, and I was skeptical when I first heard about it. But after downloading the book, I'm a converted man! It's real, it's legal, and it's happening all over the world already. Thousands of people are manipulating the system and squeezing free XBoxes, iPhones, Wiis, widescreen TVs, laptops and more out of these big companies.

And you can too.

I strongly recommend that you check out www.FreeStuffExposed.com right now. If you want a new phone, another video game, a new console or a brand new laptop or TV (or pretty much any other gadget you can think of), this is the way you can get it for free. It's simple to do, and once you've read the book you can get started in minutes.

www.FreeStuffExposed.com comes with a full money back guarantee if you're not satisfied for a whopping 60 days, so you've got plenty of time to try it out to see if you like it. I'm sure you will though. Who doesn't like free stuff? Check it out now. You won't be sorry!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Do Games Imitate Life?

One thing that rarely, if ever, fails to win the interest of a regular gamer is the presence of what we have come to recognize as “realism”. In the earliest incarnations of video games, it was something that was simply impossible to achieve. Slow reaction times, limited graphics and technology that could not hope to emulate real-life considerations all meant that video games may have been fun, bright and addictive, but they certainly were not true to life. These days, with motion capture, 3D graphics and sandbox gaming styles, games are more realistic than ever.

In some older games of the “shoot-em-up” variety it was possible for the gamer, playing a character who was trying to achieve something that would save the world despite the attentions of misunderstanding policemen, to shoot at the police but not to kill them.

This was because of a law which prevented anyone making a game which showed – and one can read “encouraged” into that word – the killing of policemen. Now software houses are more innovative in their game writing, and law enforcement officers belong to fictitious agencies and so they may be “killed”.

In some of the more modern games of the Grand Theft Auto franchise, it is possible for the character to interact intuitively with other “people” within the game – forming friendships and relationships which affect their ability to advance in the game. We’ve come a long way since the only video games we could play involved killing aliens or ghosts, it seems.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Console Video Gaming

Video game consoles allow you to play the games you love at home. There are plenty of different ones to choose from though. They biggest problem is that you can’t buy games made for other types of consoles to play on other ones. If you have an upgraded version of a particular video gaming console the earlier games should fit it though. This is a concept that manufacturers incorporate to encourage people to buy the new consoles without having to replace all of their games.

There are many features about various console video gaming systems that people love. If you have to stop in the middle of a game you can pause it. This allows you to go back to it when you have time. Most of them are set up for multi players so you can either play your video games by yourself or invite several friends over. You can also buy a memory card to save your game.

Remember the early days of video game consoles where you had to start at the beginning each time? Now you can save your games on the memory card and just start where you want to. This concept is definitely nice for those that are trying to get to more advanced stages of the game. They don’t want to waste the time again and again going through the lower levels that no longer offer them any types of challenges or even entertainment.

Today the top contenders in the area of video gaming consoles are the Xbox, Nintendo, Playstation, and the Wii. The days of the Atari and the Sega are in the past unless you are a die hard fan that has one from long ago. The manufacturers of the top video gaming consoles continue to try to come up with new ideas to entice consumers. For example adding the ability to play live against people all over the world or the ability to also watch DVD’s on the console.

It is very rare these days to find a household that doesn’t own some type of video gaming console. Children and adults really enjoy playing video games, and the investment in a console means you don’t have to continually feed quarters into the game at an arcade. You can also play the games when it is convenient for you in your pajamas if you want to.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

What The Virtual World Has To Offer...

The venue is the virtual world. Numerous individuals participate, meet, and play with each other. These are the occurrences in massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). These are computer role playing games which developed from continuous improvement of online multi user games. It was Richard Garriott who coined the term MMORPG. He is the creator of the game which popularized MMORPG, Ultima Online.

A fictional fantasy world is the usual setting in most role playing games. The gamers build their own character (avatar) and take control of the avatar’s skill and abilities. They can customize their avatars to match their personality. Every game in the online RPGs comprises of different characters with different trait and responsibilities. They can be categorized into melee, ranged, and magic users.

What Makes MMORPGs Different

Massively multiplayer online role playing games can be recognized from the usual computer role playing games by the number of players and the virtual world where the game is situated. Computer role playing games can only cater to single player modes whilst massively multiplayer online role-playing games can cater to thousands of gamers at one time.

The world that the game is themed from is another factor that differentiates the two genres. A repetitive and constant setting is found on computer role playing games. Because of the way it is programmed, each time the gamers in computer RPGs plays a game, the same episodes are repeated.

On the contrary, MMORPGs’ provide an environment that lives on its own. That means that even if the player is away or online, the game continues to evolve and "live".

Increasing Revenues

Because of the popularity MMORPG has gained, it is not surprising to know that revenues rose dramatically over the years just so it could keep up with the world wide demand of online gamers.

In 2005 alone, about half a billion US dollars have been given to MMORPGs. Western revenues have been allotted with about one million dollars.


Most online role-playing games feature living economies. Virtual items and currency have to be gained while playing the game and have definite value for the players. Such a virtual economy can be analyzed and has value in economic research and can even have a dramatic impact on the economies of the real world.

One of the early researchers of MMORPGs, particularly Edward Castronova, stated that the supply-and-demand market for virtual items is existing. It even crossed over the real world as much as the virtual one. Crossover requirements are some of the following :
The player’s ability to sell in-game items for virtual currency, trading of items which have the similar value, the purchase of game items with real money, and the exchange of real money with in-game money.

The idea of exchanging real currency virtual currency or in-game items has had a significant effect on both the players and game industries. People who make a living out of the virtual economies are termed as "gold farmers" and can be employed through the game shops or private forums.

Real currencies in exchange for virtual money and in-game items are usually prohibited by game publishers. However, because of necessity this exchange cannot be avoided. An example of this is "Entropia Universe", an online game that allows real money in exchange for game money and vice versa.


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