Some people are natural born gamers... It's like their brain is hardwired and so finely tuned to playing games that no matter what game they pick, they are almost instantly pro.
I’ve got a friend who’s exactly like that...
He’s the freak that everyone calls for hacks because he’s naturally too good at COD4, he’s the guy you HATE in DOTA because he owns so hard, he is your gaming nightmare...
When he picks up a game he feels alive, it’s like he can feel the connections of logic before the event happens. He says it's difficult to explain unless you too can feel it but you know instantly when everything falls into place and there is nothing that can get in your way.
Some people also feel this when they momentarily "get in the zone"... Except he feels that every second he plays World Of Warcraft
This got him thinking.... And he confessed to me... “I can teach anyone to be a pro leveller in WoW”
Look, you can level to 70 in just 5 days with his help...
That's right he’s taken down the solo world record for power leveling and set a new standard that NO ONE has been able to reach.
If you want to level the fastest you ever have, I highly recommend you go HERE right now .
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